Building a product
I’m excited with this opportunity to build and release a product that is all me. The domain is a problem that I’ve been thinking about for a long time and have done nothing but thinking about for a while. The user persona is one that I have a fair understanding of: people building products using lean.
The agile community has destroyed the term agile IMO, so I’m using the term lean This is especially rampant in the Scrum community. But that is another post for another day.
I’ve been using Sketch to design the user experience. I really like the Five States of the UI Stack that Scott Hurff a Product Manager at Tinder elaborated on in his book Designing Products People Love: How Great Designers Create Successful Products. As I work through the UI, I’ll try to post my work showing this layered approach.
With a focus on working software, I’ve been using Rails 5 beta3 to provide the backend REST services. I’ve sent the better part of two days building a demo app and following a tutorial on using React and Reflux. I miss programming…